Kovid 19 Haberleri

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2 Ağustos 2021, Pazartesi, 16:04 DSÖ: Avrupa’da Covid-19 vaka sayısı 60 milyonu aştı
Dünya Sağlık Örgütü Avrupa Bölgesi Acil Durum Direktörü Dr. Dorit Nitzan açıklamalarda bulundu. Salgının başladığı günden beri vaka sayısının artış gösterdiğine dikkat çeken Nitzan, bölgedeki corona virüsü vaka sayısının 60 milyonu geçtiğini açıkladı. Nitzan, “Salgının sonu halen ufukta gözüküyor. Fakat maalesef şu ana kadar Avrupa bölgesinde 1.2 milyondan fazla insan yaşamını yitirdi. Mücadeleyi sürdürmek önemli” […]

2 Ağustos 2021, Pazartesi, 15:52 In Sydney’s sprint against a delta outbreak, outcome rests on the young
Mixed messaging around use of the AstraZeneca vaccine is complicating efforts to beat back the outbreak in Australia’s largest city.

2 Ağustos 2021, Pazartesi, 15:52 Sky News Australia suspended from YouTube for a week over Covid-19 misinformation
YouTube has temporarily barred Sky News Australia from uploading new content over misinformation related to the coronavirus pandemic.

2 Ağustos 2021, Pazartesi, 15:51 Delta variant challenges China's zero Covid strategy — and raises questions over its vaccine efficacy
China's hardline zero Covid strategy is facing a fresh challenge from the rapid spread of the Delta variant, amid concerns over the efficacy of Chinese vaccines against the highly contagious strain.

2 Ağustos 2021, Pazartesi, 15:51 Where Covax, the Vast Global Vaccine Program, Went Wrong
After months of struggle, the U.N.-backed Covax alliance will soon have many more doses, promising relief for vaccine shortages in poorer countries. But it faces a deepening crisis: difficulties getting shots into arms as the Delta variant spreads.

2 Ağustos 2021, Pazartesi, 15:51 A West Hollywood salon celebrates nurses with free makeovers
Five nurses who've seen the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic up close were treated to a reprieve this weekend when they received free makeovers at a salon in West Hollywood, California.

2 Ağustos 2021, Pazartesi, 15:51 Analyst shares 'mind-boggling' data about unvaccinated
CNN's Harry Enten looks at the data around the Covid-19 vaccine that shows that you have a 25 times greater chance of dying from Covid-19 if you are unvaccinated and that those who are vaccinated have more than a 99% chance of surviving a infection.

2 Ağustos 2021, Pazartesi, 15:51 Stelter: It's time to reset the media's coverage of Covid-19
CNN's Brian Stelter says the media's coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic needs added nuance to accurately reflect the different realities facing unvaccinated and vaccinated populations.

2 Ağustos 2021, Pazartesi, 15:51 This community hospital was a 'lifeline' to many
A record number of rural hospitals are closing across the United States during the Covid pandemic. For this community in Georgia, it's no different. Many here will have to cross state lines, even if that means traveling an hour, to get urgent medical care.

2 Ağustos 2021, Pazartesi, 15:51 Britanya gelecek ay Koronavirüs aşısında üçüncü doz uygulamasına hazırlanıyor
