Haber kaynaklarından derlenen haberler

İçinde ('deprem','earthquake') kelimelerinden birininile, ('büyüklüğü','şiddet','Kandilli','tsunami','tsunami','magnitude') kelimelerinden birinin aynı anda geçtiği haberler

Ekleyen: İnternet Robotu
Bilgi: Haber Kaynağı: Çeşitli Haber Siteleri
A swarm of more than 40 earthquakes in 24 hours is causing a buzz in the northwest US
One of North America's most active fault lines sprung to life on Tuesday after a swarm of more than 40 earthquakes -- ranging from a magnitude 3.5 to 5.8 -- rattled off the coast of Oregon, catching the attention and concern of millions in the region.